What do you expect from a Russian?

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I expect Russia to remain Russia. Stop being servitude to the Jews (get rid of Jewish fifth column and oligarchs) and stop begging to become "West" (West partner) which is impossible will never be realized ! Since the Jews and the West never accept equal partner!

Whereas Russia has many things/endowments (technology, arts, culture, natural resources) to offer her NEIGHBORS and make these neighbors become Russia natural friends with whom Russia will form a parallel or counter world, if you like, to the West. Russia doesn't need the West. And finally I expect Russia to be decisive and firm in protect herself - her world against any PROVOCATION and harmful violation of her people and her natural friends.

Given what have happened as fait acccomplit. Russia must finish Zelensky and take Ukraine and deal with "Ukrainian people will" later. Putin regime is a dangerous one man show! Post Putin will be chaos that will be worse than the situation after Soviet was. Well informed Russians must prepare now and ready for Post Putin Russia!

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... on the Dead sea scrolls see the very man a US archeologist Prof.Robert Eisenman who like Shahack speaks clarity. Both are of Judaic background.

He fought the Vatican who held in safe the scrolls for years n years fearing their message would blow to smitherines the tale of just who....Joshua aka Jesus brother of the Priest "James the Just".

This cult were not Pharisees law followers, nor Saddacees ritualists animal sacrifices who extorted shekels from mind controlled peasants.

They were Zadokites the descendants of Zadok the first high priests of the Jerusalem temple.

For background see Reza Aslan: Zealot

A critique of him here https://www.equip.org/articles/reza-aslans-revisionist-view-of-the-historical-jesus/

That is the sons of the line of Abraham, who met Melchizedek ( MelchisZADOK ) in the desert and accepted the right of passage to be "The Chosen" to rule the world.

See John lamb Lash: Not in his Image or

YouTube CH ; Hans carlsson


He excavated at Qumran rocks and unearthed the Dead sea scrolls message.

Listen what he says about the Jewish rebels who wrote them.




They were in the same mould fanatical as the Zealots who killed themselves rather than be defeated, captive of Rome.

Like the Siccari (knife dagger wielders of the Jewish uprising 70AD who killed murdered, their own, wreacked mayhem by knife assasination they ruled by fear.

Unlike Josephus who surrendered to Roman soldiers and did a deal, was rewarded and became Rome's Jewish scribe Roman historian they kill or die See Caesars Messiah by Joseph Atwill.

I've more things to ponder Toaofanarchy.

I humbly recommend Taoofanarchy to any deep thinker.


James the brother of Jesus: Robert Eisenman Pt 1

Professor Robert H Eisenman


Professor Robert H Eisenman's websites



Youtube Eisenman talks








On the rocks Qumran



bio & James Zadokites, Qumran, Paul,



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