Folks, I came across this very interesting statement by a young Russian woman:
Иудаизм, а вслед за ним и христианство с исламом возникли в результате плагиата основных доктрин из язычества. Язычество объявили поганым (paganus) идолопоклонничеством и развязали против него политическую войну за умы. Сделано это было ради воплощения национальной идеи избранного народа. Другие народы её не имеют. Такая война не даёт быстрых результатов, её ведут много поколений. Библия и другие книги обеспечивают преемственность борцов. Чтобы прекратить это сумасшествие, надо развенчать саму основу идеи, доказать её ложность. Претензии, исходящие из заблуждений, могут не туда завести целые народы. Боги подскажут тебе, но ничего за тебя не сделают. Ты подобен богам и отличаешься наличием материального тела и глупостью. Рождённый свободным, не будь рабом. Бог – не рабовладелец.
— Наталья Поклонская. «Мысли вслух», 2024
Sep 16 at 01:31
And here is Google translation:
Judaism, and then Christianity and Islam, arose as a result of plagiarism of the main doctrines of paganism. Paganism was declared pagan (paganus) idolatry and a political war for minds was unleashed against it. This was done for the sake of the embodiment of the national idea of the chosen people. Other nations do not have it. Such a war does not give quick results, it is waged by many generations. The Bible and other books ensure the continuity of fighters. To stop this madness, it is necessary to debunk the very basis of the idea, to prove its falsity. Claims based on delusions can lead entire nations astray. The gods will prompt you, but will not do anything for you. You are like the gods and are distinguished by the presence of a material body and stupidity. Born free, do not be a slave. God is not a slave owner.
— Natalia Poklonskaya. "Thoughts Out Loud", 2024
Sep 16 at 01:31
I tend to agree with her most of the main points. However I need to push back a little bit on some point according certain definitions and actual practices.
First here is words straight from the Jews’ mouth:
“Apparently, Jewishness is about neither religion nor race. Unlike a race, you can get in, but unlike religion, once you’re in you can’t get out. As with Achan, once you are a part of this people, you are the entire people. As Israel is eternal, so your bond with them is irreversible, unbreakable and eternal.”
Both in theology and in daily practice, Judaism is NOT a religion since it neither teaches nor commands one to be good to Humanity or other fellow human being. Practically, Judaism is a set of protocols of a criminal gang or criminal power seeking organization, so to speak. Since it, Judaism, teaches its followers/ members how to separate themselves completely from the rest of humanity and hate all the rest of humanity, and to cheat, deceive, and kill all the rest of humanity at will when needed in order to take everything for themselves! It’s super Mafia’s codes!
If you somehow doubt the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Juts find time to read the Hebrew Bible and the Talmud. All the protocols are there! If you don’t even spare your time for such “thick books” (pun intended) for whatever reason, then all you need is to read just a thin 100 page book by the late professor Israel Shahak:
In essence and in a nutshell Judaism is a Mafia Kosher Nostra protocols in which evil brutality, cruelty, and lies are deployed to ETERNALIZE the membership is the foundation of such criminal organization. Once you in you in forever! And worse if one was born to a female member of this gang, one has no choice but automatically being a member for eternity! And such eternal condemnation sticks with female members and being automatically passed on down to every female member in posterity forever. And the membership of this gang will be spread down and around just by having sex with other male get pregnant and give birth to new member for eternity! This means this criminal anti-humanity-power will never cease to exist as long as humankind exists.
(my apology for some silly mistakes! Since substack auto-dictionary is so poor and so stupid. It changed words it doesn’t recognize without confirm with me!)
Such evil deeds could not possibly and cannot derive from Paganism at all!
Pagan theology
Paganism is not based on doctrine or liturgy. Many pagans believe 'if it harms none, do what you will'. Following this code, Pagan theology is based primarily on experience, with the aim of Pagan ritual being to make contact with the divine in the world that surrounds them. (
Jewish legend of Septuagint
According to tradition and Jewish legend. Ptolemy II Philadelphus (the Greek King of Egypt) (285–247 BCE) ordered seventy-two Hebrew scribes—six from each of the Twelve Tribes (sic) of Israel—from Jerusalem to Alexandria to translate the Tanakh from Biblical Hebrew into Koine Greek!
IMHO, the “Torah”/”Hebrew bible” did not exist until this 250 BCE gathering. The 72 Jewish scribes is just (fraudulent) symbolic, who sat down NOT to make the translation but created this fiction on the spot in a complete written form in Greek, which is a mix of folklore and fairy tales with their own (Jewish) deed. That’s why several of their “biblical” stories in the Genesis are found in the Sumerian Cuneiform, which exists c 3000-6000 BCE or even more long before Semitic Paleo-Hebrew/Aramaic alphabet’s existence (c 1000 BCE.) Bear in mind that modern independent archeology has disproved mainstream narratives and assumptions about “ancient history” with new evidences (
Apart from those obvious plagiarism, many crucial “historical characters and events” in the “bible” simple did not exist! Even the gathering of 72 Jewish scribes itself is kind of bullshit since at this time around (250 BCE) the supposed to be 12 tribes no longer existed according to even “Jewish history!” Even the so-called Dead-Sea scrolls currently stored in Tel Aviv is suspected a “creation” of the Jews after 1948!
The Jews have often proudly claimed that their ancestor being slaves in Eygypt who supposed help to build the Pyramids! But their Bible does not mention the Pyramid at all! These Jewish scribes niether lived nor knew Egypt at all!
Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites |
If you really want to know and are able to entertain other research findings , please have a look at this research. Otherwise don’t bother since it will angry you for it certainly will shake your belief to the core!
Dr Francesca Stavrakopoulou examines how archaeological discoveries are changing the way people interpret stories from the Bible:
01-Did King David's Empire Exist?
02-Did God Have a Wife? Did God Have a Wife?
03-The Real Garden of Eden The Real Garden of Eden
So my inevitable conclusion is Judaism: is a Criminal Organization's Protocols, IMHO!
That’s me folks. As always the last word is yours.
... on the Dead sea scrolls see the very man a US archeologist Prof.Robert Eisenman who like Shahack speaks clarity. Both are of Judaic background.
He fought the Vatican who held in safe the scrolls for years n years fearing their message would blow to smitherines the tale of just who....Joshua aka Jesus brother of the Priest "James the Just".
This cult were not Pharisees law followers, nor Saddacees ritualists animal sacrifices who extorted shekels from mind controlled peasants.
They were Zadokites the descendants of Zadok the first high priests of the Jerusalem temple.
For background see Reza Aslan: Zealot
A critique of him here
That is the sons of the line of Abraham, who met Melchizedek ( MelchisZADOK ) in the desert and accepted the right of passage to be "The Chosen" to rule the world.
See John lamb Lash: Not in his Image or
YouTube CH ; Hans carlsson
He excavated at Qumran rocks and unearthed the Dead sea scrolls message.
Listen what he says about the Jewish rebels who wrote them.
They were in the same mould fanatical as the Zealots who killed themselves rather than be defeated, captive of Rome.
Like the Siccari (knife dagger wielders of the Jewish uprising 70AD who killed murdered, their own, wreacked mayhem by knife assasination they ruled by fear.
Unlike Josephus who surrendered to Roman soldiers and did a deal, was rewarded and became Rome's Jewish scribe Roman historian they kill or die See Caesars Messiah by Joseph Atwill.
I've more things to ponder Toaofanarchy.
I humbly recommend Taoofanarchy to any deep thinker.
James the brother of Jesus: Robert Eisenman Pt 1
Professor Robert H Eisenman
Professor Robert H Eisenman's websites
Youtube Eisenman talks
On the rocks Qumran
bio & James Zadokites, Qumran, Paul,
What do you expect from a Russian?