I’m amazed that Escobar actually admitted how much power jews have in Russia, however the fact that he’s always sucking up to Putin and peddling the farce of Putin the savior makes him look like a fool in my eyes.

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Thank you for your wise insight my friend, the fact that these people feel that they have to cling to one puppet in order to criticize others puppets represents a level of absurdity that calling it a farce is barely adequate to describe it. Based upon your wise observation, it seems that what we need is anarcho-journalism. It has become obvious to me in the last few years that any journalist who is beholden to anyone to any degree is a propagandist.

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"It has become obvious to me in the last few years that any journalist who is beholden to anyone to any degree is a propagandist."

My friend, You hit the nail on the head!

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My friend, for those who consider “journalism” is a job, not a “calling” especially from a statist worldview, they need to advocate some kind of government with some kind of leader in order to criticize the rest of other forms of government! These kind of “journalists” would try their best NOT to go hard and deeper into the Jews. Their mantras is always “I am against Zionism, not the Jews/ Judaism”. You see whoever utters such oxymoron is either completely ignorant of Judaism and its Torah and Talmud, or a complete coward, or a real crook. IMHO most of these kind of journalists are ingorant cowards. They don’t read and do their homw work. It’s not just on “religion” but even on politics and especially on “econmics and money”.. That’s why they all jump into BRICS banwagon without realizing that under current statism you cannot have a true good “multi-polar econmy” without a common MOE as “reserved currency!”. Almost everyone of them do not understand what MOE truly is. Even ecomomist such as PCR (read my criticism of him years ago on Bitcoin, Tac and Putin..Like doctors (MD) on Viruses.. They all take their text books for granted without questioning..until being challenged and would try their best to defend the “make-believe” rather than re-examining and investigating to find “evidences”.. So don’t be surprised my friend!

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