Oh dear! Oh humanity!
I lost count how many times I said and repeated!
Torah (Law, instruction or teaching..whatever) is the first five books of the Jewish (Hebrew) Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Also called Pentateuch- the Five Books of Moses by Christians!
These satanic, perverted, filthy, bloody fictional stories were introduced/ indoctrinated to the non-Jews (gentiles or goyim) through The Septuagint (in Greek).
I myself have suspected that the Septuagint is the original fiction, NOT a translation from an Aramaic/ Hebrew text. Given all the “exceptional quality” of sexual perversion, treachery, hatred, and bloody vindictive of the stories…Not to mention the stupidity, unscientific “knowledge” of the Yahweh, (e.g in what language the “ten commandments” were written since they were written by the very fingers of Yahweh?) the Septuagint must have been the “original works of the 72 Jewish scribes wrote down their stories-either from their memories and/or their creation/invention on the fly, and on the spot, so to speak. But I digress.
And here even in the Islam Quran (in 7C CE):
“Indeed, We sent down the Torah, in which was guidance and light. The prophets who submitted [to God] judged by it for the Jews, as did the rabbis and scholars by that with which they were entrusted of the Scripture of God, and they were witnesses thereto. So do not fear the people but fear Me, and do not exchange My verses for a small price. And whoever does not judge by what God has revealed - then it is those who are the disbelievers. — Quran 5:44
After all thing these Jews have done and are committing…. Even after a bunch of Jews and Ex-Jews scholars and well-versed Jewish academics have courageously come forward and exposed the satanic nature of the Judaism and its so-called “Holly Bibles:...
Obviously, in essence, “Gods,” both old and new, are invented by these evil minded Jews, thus these Jews “grab both gods old and new, by the balls,” so to speak bluntly!
That’s why the scholastic Ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon inevitably concludes:
“As dramatic as it may sound, a process of de-judaification must take place before Israelis can adopt any universal modern notion of civil life"…
And Ron Unz another “Jew” scholar has found “Oddities of the Jewish Religion” and The Unusual Doctrines of Traditional Judaism through the late Jewish Prof Israel Shahak’s Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Year
All of those exposé just cannot crack the skull of all the Abrahamic believers!
No wonder Marcion of Sinope, a true Christian in the essence meaning of the word failed to wake up the early Christians despite he had been very carefully and played both hands with both old and new Gods!
Marcion of Sinope, a Christian who follows and practices the TEACHING OF CHRIST, hence called Christian, intelligently and wisely saw the unacceptable absurdity and dangerous cruelty and and destructive nature of Yahweh’s commands and edicts which are completely contradictory and opposite to the TEACHING OF CHRIST! Judaism and its stories a.k.a Jewish Bible are the negation of Christianity and humanity as a whole!
One can disagree with and can criticize many Christian churches on many things and even Christ teachings on many aspects such as “unrealistic” “too saintly” for an ordinary to follow etc..but one cannot say/accuse Christ teachings are evil, cruel, hateful, and divisive!
That’s the reason why I’ve always wondered why on earth Christianity needs such filthy satanic Judaist books at all? Whereas the New Testament/Gospel is more than enough to be a foundation for a good “religion of love and turn other cheek!”
No wonder these tiny group of ruthless murderers, brazen thieves, and evil impostors keep wining over the whole both Christian and Islamic worlds despite all the atrocities and crimes they have been openly committed against everyone till this very moment!
By the way, I am an atheist! an ex-Catholic to be exact!