Goodwill gestures= Cowardice and Complicity! The Lesson in History Has Never Been Learnt to this very moment
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Goodwill gestures: why concessions in war only lead to more war
Looking back at human history. Not only are Muslim/Arab leaders corrupted cowards and useful idiots when they come to face the Judaists, but also the whole Christian Europe and now the Seppos. Forget about Asians, as I said long ago that as long as they have something in their mouths to chew Asians would keep their heads down and walk and ONLY quarrel among themselves.
For years I’ve always wondered HOW could ONE believes and trusts an enemy whom you know beyond any doubt that will terminate you at all cost per their ideology of chosenism?
How could ONE achieve “living in harmony in peace and being equal ” with the evil monsters that consider themselves chosen by their monstrous evil God to be master of and above all the rest of humanity?
HOW could ONE fight the monstrous evil enemy while still believing in their evil perverted fictional story as one own “holly bible?”
How could people and their whole “intellectual world” keep reading but NOT scrutinize such obvious filthy evil book called “the bible” for thousands years? (Well… except a tiny group of people like Thomas Paine, Mark Twain, Israel Shahak.. and Shlomo Sand, Gilad Atzmon et all)
As I pointed out at the story of Abram (later Abraham) in the Genesis. Abram and his Yahweh conspire to pimp his fair-skin wife to cheat the Egyptian Royals and to thieve the land of the native Canaan. Abram is a pimp and a land thief per his Yahweh commands. Again, I don’t quote so that YOU have to read those “holy verses” yourselves!
As I stared at the whole thing … I sighed heavily! No wonder Christian Europe, Muslim/Arab have kept loosing to such the tiny group of thieves and imposters!
I have to repeat myself again that I must give the tiny group of thieves and imposters credit for their unique unrivaled achievement in the whole human history!
Everyone around the world either fear or/and submit to the Jews… except Palestinian Hamas and the Resistance forces and the Houthis.
That’s why I’ve warned once they finished Gaza and Westbank, THEY, the Judaists will hunt down ALL Palestinians living outside Palestine, especially in the West where they have complete control!
Around two thousand years ago, Marcion of Sinope (85 – c. 160) spotted the “Evil dangerous Yahweh.” Do your own research and find out what happened to him and his findings!
Again, it’s strictly me who loves to go out on a limb!
As always the last word is yours.
You nailed it again….