Putin quite rightly talks about self-determination and the will of the people. I have been a great admirer of President Putin and he has my total understanding and support regarding Crimea and the Donbass regions (as does President Xi Jinping on the question of Xinjiang and the other autonomous regions of China). If only you could hear my arguments with my TV-watching/brainwashed family and friends – and the flak I receive trying to explain the Zionist coup (Maidan) of 2014! If I am wrong then I am not the only one (Mike King and Matthew Raphael Johnson for example) – and not for the reasons that are on TV.
But in the interests of constructive dialogue, let’s go back BEFORE the ‘Great Patriotic War’ and at least acknowledge what ACTUALLY did happen in German Sudetenland (under Czech administration (Beneš) – October 1938) and German Danzig (under Polish administration – September 1939), not to mention the Saar region of ‘France’. These regions were ‘balkanised’ according to the horrendously inhumane Diktat of Versailles – I am not sure which sessions he presided over but I understand a certain Rothschild at the time chaired at least some of the proceedings and the likes of Bernard Baruch made strong representation as to how to divide up Europe following their successfully engineered WWI. Czechoslovakia was a contrived conglomerate state, as were the wider borders of Poland, which incidentally also encompassed many unwilling citizens of Belarus and Ukraine at the time.
The basic tenet of Wilson’s 14-Point Plan and the ensuing Diktat of Versailles itself was ‘self-determination’ (and the will of the people) but in fact the direct opposite was contrived and enforced via the ‘League of Nations’ – the prototype of the ’United Nations’. Make no mistake, Hitler emphatically rejected and was determined to unravel and negate the antihuman abomination known as the Diktat of Versailles.
• Hitler successfully peacefully negotiated the resolution of ‘Saarland’ (as well as the reunification with Austria) - in the name of self-determination and the will of the people.
• Hitler successfully resolved the question of Sudetenland (note the parallel with Putin and Crimea) – no blood spilt, no snowballs thrown – in the name of self-determination and the will of the people. No one advocated more strongly than Hitler for a referendum/plebiscite to peacefully resolve the final border with Czechoslovakia proper – re the grey areas beyond Sudetenland proper).
• Hitler conducted nothing more than a Special Military Operation to resolve the Danzig issue (SMO – note the parallel with Putin and the ‘Donbas regions’ – what has been happening to the citizens of the Donbas happened on an even larger and more barbaric scale to the German civiliansof Danzig and Sudetenland) - in the name of self-determination and the will of the people – while offering virtually unlimited compromises to give Poland uninhibited access to the sea port. This SMO took only EIGHTEEN days with almost negligible bloodshed – and then only military personnel. Everybody could have just gone home and gone about their normal lives but Churchill and his warmongering capitalist profiteers and puppeteers had other ideas. But for Churchill there would have been no WWII.
How we get from September 1939 – and Churchill’s war on women, children, the sick and the elderly – to June 1941 is another topic, [https://nseuropa.blogspot.com/2021/06/adolf-hitler-proclamation-to-german.html ] but the second phase of WWII was never against Russia – it was pre-emptively against the threat of Bolshevism which at that time occupied Russia and threatened all of Europe – as the US is now occupied.
Incidentally, these warmongering capitalist profiteers/parasites have now turned their attention back onto Russia and to China – they control the ‘Western’ media. They want us to ‘hate’ all Russians and all Chinese – and I am having none of it. Here in Australia, Murdoch is doing his utmost to push this warmongering message of hate – it is vile and sickening.
All Russians, Chinese, Poles, Czechs ( - and Germans – and Americans) will get on just fine, as they have for centuries, if the parasitic elephant hiding under the spotlight in the middle of the room is confronted and silenced once and for all.
“Recall that during WWII the United States and Britain reduced Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne and many other German cities to rubble, without the least military necessity. It was done ostentatiously and, to repeat, without any military necessity.”
Absolutely correct up to this point, although I will have to check my sources re the extent of the US involvement in the bombing of civilian targets (cities and towns in Germany).
But this method of ‘warfare’ was unequivocally initiated by Churchill [who ‘salivatingly’ declared war in the first place despite all of Hitler’s pleas for peace] and/or his handlers, specifically Frederick “The Prof” Lindemann.
In his essay “Shall We All Commit Suicide” [published in 1931 - see compilation “Thoughts and Adventures” – available on archive-dot-org], Churchill wrote:
“It was not until the dawn of the twentieth century … that War really began to enter into its kingdom
The Air opened paths along which death and terror could be carried far behind the lines of the actual armies, to women, children, the aged, the sick, who in earlier struggles would perforce have been left untouched.
… to pulverize, without hope of repair, what is left of civilisation. He [Death] awaits only the word of command. He awaits it from a frail, bewildered being, long his victim, now-for one occasion only-his Master.”
Subjective comment: Churchill writes like a deranged psychopath who literally personifies, if not deifies War and Death.
The bombing of German cities was actually referred to as the Lindemann Plan.
Putin quite rightly talks about self-determination and the will of the people. I have been a great admirer of President Putin and he has my total understanding and support regarding Crimea and the Donbass regions (as does President Xi Jinping on the question of Xinjiang and the other autonomous regions of China). If only you could hear my arguments with my TV-watching/brainwashed family and friends – and the flak I receive trying to explain the Zionist coup (Maidan) of 2014! If I am wrong then I am not the only one (Mike King and Matthew Raphael Johnson for example) – and not for the reasons that are on TV.
But in the interests of constructive dialogue, let’s go back BEFORE the ‘Great Patriotic War’ and at least acknowledge what ACTUALLY did happen in German Sudetenland (under Czech administration (Beneš) – October 1938) and German Danzig (under Polish administration – September 1939), not to mention the Saar region of ‘France’. These regions were ‘balkanised’ according to the horrendously inhumane Diktat of Versailles – I am not sure which sessions he presided over but I understand a certain Rothschild at the time chaired at least some of the proceedings and the likes of Bernard Baruch made strong representation as to how to divide up Europe following their successfully engineered WWI. Czechoslovakia was a contrived conglomerate state, as were the wider borders of Poland, which incidentally also encompassed many unwilling citizens of Belarus and Ukraine at the time.
The basic tenet of Wilson’s 14-Point Plan and the ensuing Diktat of Versailles itself was ‘self-determination’ (and the will of the people) but in fact the direct opposite was contrived and enforced via the ‘League of Nations’ – the prototype of the ’United Nations’. Make no mistake, Hitler emphatically rejected and was determined to unravel and negate the antihuman abomination known as the Diktat of Versailles.
• Hitler successfully peacefully negotiated the resolution of ‘Saarland’ (as well as the reunification with Austria) - in the name of self-determination and the will of the people.
• Hitler successfully resolved the question of Sudetenland (note the parallel with Putin and Crimea) – no blood spilt, no snowballs thrown – in the name of self-determination and the will of the people. No one advocated more strongly than Hitler for a referendum/plebiscite to peacefully resolve the final border with Czechoslovakia proper – re the grey areas beyond Sudetenland proper).
• Hitler conducted nothing more than a Special Military Operation to resolve the Danzig issue (SMO – note the parallel with Putin and the ‘Donbas regions’ – what has been happening to the citizens of the Donbas happened on an even larger and more barbaric scale to the German civiliansof Danzig and Sudetenland) - in the name of self-determination and the will of the people – while offering virtually unlimited compromises to give Poland uninhibited access to the sea port. This SMO took only EIGHTEEN days with almost negligible bloodshed – and then only military personnel. Everybody could have just gone home and gone about their normal lives but Churchill and his warmongering capitalist profiteers and puppeteers had other ideas. But for Churchill there would have been no WWII.
How we get from September 1939 – and Churchill’s war on women, children, the sick and the elderly – to June 1941 is another topic, [https://nseuropa.blogspot.com/2021/06/adolf-hitler-proclamation-to-german.html ] but the second phase of WWII was never against Russia – it was pre-emptively against the threat of Bolshevism which at that time occupied Russia and threatened all of Europe – as the US is now occupied.
Incidentally, these warmongering capitalist profiteers/parasites have now turned their attention back onto Russia and to China – they control the ‘Western’ media. They want us to ‘hate’ all Russians and all Chinese – and I am having none of it. Here in Australia, Murdoch is doing his utmost to push this warmongering message of hate – it is vile and sickening.
All Russians, Chinese, Poles, Czechs ( - and Germans – and Americans) will get on just fine, as they have for centuries, if the parasitic elephant hiding under the spotlight in the middle of the room is confronted and silenced once and for all.
“Recall that during WWII the United States and Britain reduced Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne and many other German cities to rubble, without the least military necessity. It was done ostentatiously and, to repeat, without any military necessity.”
Absolutely correct up to this point, although I will have to check my sources re the extent of the US involvement in the bombing of civilian targets (cities and towns in Germany).
But this method of ‘warfare’ was unequivocally initiated by Churchill [who ‘salivatingly’ declared war in the first place despite all of Hitler’s pleas for peace] and/or his handlers, specifically Frederick “The Prof” Lindemann.
In his essay “Shall We All Commit Suicide” [published in 1931 - see compilation “Thoughts and Adventures” – available on archive-dot-org], Churchill wrote:
“It was not until the dawn of the twentieth century … that War really began to enter into its kingdom
The Air opened paths along which death and terror could be carried far behind the lines of the actual armies, to women, children, the aged, the sick, who in earlier struggles would perforce have been left untouched.
… to pulverize, without hope of repair, what is left of civilisation. He [Death] awaits only the word of command. He awaits it from a frail, bewildered being, long his victim, now-for one occasion only-his Master.”
Subjective comment: Churchill writes like a deranged psychopath who literally personifies, if not deifies War and Death.
The bombing of German cities was actually referred to as the Lindemann Plan.
(PS – “Hellstorm” (Thomas Goodrich) is worth reading (and watching))