To My Young Friend "West Asian Unity:" From the Old Vault- Not Every One Is Blind Follower. But How Many?
My dear friend, "West Asian Unity” I post this unfortunate “old news” to make an important clarification of what I had said months ago. The reason I hesitated to post this from my old vault is to avoid unnecessarily misunderstanding as “being disrespectful” to the great martyr late Hassan Nasrallah. But facts must be reported, discussed, and hopefully learnt from, particularly in this dire situation and especially for the sake of Palestinians and Shiite Lebanese who are still fighting with their lives on the line to stop the genocide by the Jews for the future of their posterity.
As I said before that after I’d studied Nasrallah’s November speech I knew he had miscalculated. But I did not know that he had been persuaded by the Iranian Mullahs. However I did know back then and now that there have been “quite a few” Muslim/Arabs who are not blind followers at all- just like you my friend! Though I still don’t know how many of these intelligent and wise people are there in Muslim/Arabs and in Iran and what they are going to do to change the course of this tragedy. However I have been hearing some clamoring from both Shia and Sunni!
Nasrallah, his fatal miscalculation based on his deadly misunderstanding the nature of Jews and their Jewishness, and in turn being misguided by the Iranian Mullahs, whose ultimate goal is to rule with their version of theocracy and be “blessed” by the West and the Jews as in the case of Arab Saudi. That’s why and how since 1979, Iran has had no WILL and no PLAN to fight the Jews and the West at all. Only some “proportional response” as the Mullahs have shown and you have already known.
My wish and hope is young people like you will have the courage and wisdom to analyze and learn from Nasrallah’s fatal mistake and error. That is the whole and sole purpose of this clarifying post.
Thank you for this my friend. Please don’t worry about being disrespectful or offensive. The truth by its nature is unpleasant and difficult to hear. That’s how you know it’s the truth.