Folks, recently, to double check my “observation” and “findings’ about the way Govt and thugs control cryptos I had inquired in writing about the process of conversion of precious metal to bitcoin with an Australian Gold/Crypto firm. Here is their answer:
You see folks, this “private firm” not only work for thugs and do the thuggery works themselves but they treat thier customers as idiots!
Read their “screening procedures” between the lines. You see they “force” customers to use their “custodian wallets” by interrogate customers into submission and surrendering their privacy with all the private details! They decide if “you can hold your own cryptos or not!”
Unfortunately, many “law abiding citizens” a.k.a sheeple and idiots “feel” safe to give these thugs all their privacy and their cryptos. Since in crypto world, if you don’t hold your private key -your own wallet and secret phrase, you don’t own that crypto!
Yet, the “rumor” is still going out there that CIA creates Bitcoin!
Just let this sink in!
They create a MOE that is self-functioning and self-operating independently from any institution private or govt and threatens govt monopoly of MOE! People do not have to “apply” and/or ask “permission” to use Bitcoin. People do not need to go thru “Banks” to keep/use Bitcoin.. People don’t need any storage to store Bitcoin- All they need is just to memorize private secret phrases or to encrypt these secret phrases.
Govt CIA (security state) creates a “controlling tool” so that they have to go to such great length of measures together with “private firms” to control just some part of the flow of such “effective tool!”
The fact is they cannot know who Bitcoin user is and what where the crypto is spent UNLESS users “voluntarily register and be screened! Bitcoin/Cryptos cannot be “searched” and “confiscated” unless users surrender their private keys! Oh.. I forget unless users are stupid enough to store their crypto in custodian wallet!
Those who understand the unique features of Bitcoin/crypto still go and use this free MOE freely and most safely ever for the users have both full, complete control as well as full responsibility of their “money!”
Yet, the “CIA” still creates Bitcoin to control people AS IF the Govt fiats and the digital fiats (bank card, credit card, electronic transfer etc) failed their job miserably!
I have to give these psychopaths credit for successfully destroying the critical thinking faculty of the vast majority of humankind!
The West has gone and people being fucked big time… without even being aware of it! LOL!