Folks, for years I have been living in “fear” of the fucking Jews may do something to my lovely birds which have been hanging around my backyard ever since I moved here. Since I have no one to care about and nothing to loose… These lovely birds are all I have and care about. So don’t expect I would sacrifice the safety of my lovely birds to say anything bad on this evil genocidal tribe and their monstrous anti-humanity Judaism.
Like all of you folks out there, I just want to live a normal life with all modern convenience, enjoy eating poisonous good, trash entertainment, and… DILLIGAF about anything or anyone else!
The reason I post this interview is because … I just want to expose Kim Iversen! She is absolutely an anti-chosen rats and cockroaches in disguise, who played the “dumb role” so perfectly with such professionalism..and let this ex-Jew do all the punch … I mean.. anyway I must digress! I would not dare to say anything anymore. I am so scared.. these fucking Jews and their brainless aussie thugs keep bothering me! I just want to live in peace so I can write about anarchism vs organized crime a.k.a government …and… about the struggle of Palestinian …babies who have been trying to be alive and become free adult!
I just do all of these above just for fun! That’s all!
The last word is always yours folks!
"Waters Flowing Eastward - The War Against The Kingship Of Christ"
The Kim Iversen Show LIVE | September 11, 2024
Special 9/11 Anniversary Show! Was Israel behind 9/11? Our guest, Matthew Tower says yes.
Matthew Tower is a former Zionist and former Jew, now Christian. He is an author, filmmaker, and podcaster. Go to to watch his documentary Israel's Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, & Palestine, and follow him on X@TruthTowerPod. You can also sign up at for email updates on his future work."
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