The Jewish Orange Stupid Clown Believes Without Him The Jewish Terrorist Genocidal State Will Be Wiped Out!
Folks, for our Humanity sake, for the first time ever I wish this Jewish stupid clown of the Seppos were correct! Therefore for the sake of this world and to get rid of the Jewish chosen cancer, let’s dump this Jewish Clown…but but but uhmmmm Except.. there is no such thing called democratic election and meritocracy! It’s all selection and it’s already decided! idiots!
It’s Jewish cabal SELECTION!
And I already predicted that they already chose the Hindus clowness. Why? Because she is Female, dumb and Hindu brown! They’ve already made first black president. Now is the time for first female brown president.
And next they will make first gay/lesbian/tranny president. President is nothing. Just a show clown for sheeple dumbshit to entertain, cheer up, and go home and keep dreaming!
Either ways they all are made by and for the Jews… “unfortunately” still… that their beloved Jewish terrorist genocidal state will be wiped out sooner or later one way or the other!
That’s my one and a half cents folks!
All the rest is yours as always
I think 3rd Temple Trump, Jewish Messiah, has been chosen. Also believe he will take us to war w/Iran (or WW3) and he'll usher in the digital slave grid.
Time will tell.
America is finished no matter who the Jews put in as Puppet in Chief