As I already said, IMHO, Paul Craig Roberts is the only true Western intellectual alive. He is an ex-Reagan official, who has said a lot of things other “intellectuals” and “ex-official” would never dared to listen to, let alone talk about it! But for certain reason, he becomes Jewish criminal clown’s supporter and becomes a whisful thinker rather than a critical analyst as he used to be. Perhaps his “statist whiteness” has blinded him!
He has been able to spot acurately every abnormality in the way Putin Russia has been conducting the so-called Russia-Ukraine “conflict”… but fails to diagnose the cause.
The Syria incident, or rather temporay “conclusion”, IMHO, was a sell-out and set up that had been agreed upon by Russia- Putin, Iran+ Muslim/Arab world, and the Jewish power in the West.
At the begining I saw the main purpose that Putin-Russia got in Syria is to control and restrain Assad- it was part of the plan the to destroy “the axis of resistance”
Has any one wondered the way Putin- Russia conducting its “defense” is so identical to that of the Mullah-Iran!
Well unless Putin-Russia and the Mullahs had no brain at all.
This is me. The last word is always yours!