IMHO, as a civilian, Scott is smart, intelligent, a fine human being with not just a brain but a warm humane heart. I don’t know him, never met him. But I can feel his humanity.
As an ex-thug, he is blind and very unwise when it comes to nationalism and patriotism. Scott knows what happened to many “good patriots” whistle-blowers (i.e William Binney, Thomas A. Drake) before and after he stood up against “a pack of lies” that led to Iraq War. Desipte all those years and all thing happened upon his life and his family, Scott still believes in his “America” with the proven toilet paper called “Comstitution!” It’s very disappointing that Scott has not learned anything from the late Prof Stephen F. Cohen (November 25, 1938 – September 18, 2020) a “Russia Expert” who had spent his whole professional life to try to build good Russo-US relations with Peace…but failed! Because Prof Chohen, like many mis-identified Jews, failed to undersatnd the nature of the statism and especially his own “chosen people.”
IMHO with my understanding of the chosenism, Scott has become a marked man by the chosen rats because of his stand with Palestinians and his view on Hamas vs the rats. Not the building peace business with Russia. The chosen rats have been completely running all the three branches of US system of government. Especially the State department, FBI, CIA in almost a direct manner! Scott must have known this and should have understood this!
Once a thug not necessarily always a thugs. General Smedley Darlington Butler’s life proved it. He was a Quaker and came back a Quaker after being a longtime biggest government thug. The greatest service General Smedley Darlington Butler served the people was and is as always “War is a Racket”
I sincerely hope one day in the near future Scott will wake up and go beyond the nation borders. At the momment Scott is still asleep with an “Amrican dream” that has been completely koshered or Jewed, so to speak! Given all the precedents, and given Scott’s determination, Scott and his family will suffer more. I have no doubt about this at all. Wililiam Bunney, Thomas A Drake have been staying low due to their nature of “business.” But Scott…
Well, the last words is always yours folks!