Overall I do agree with Tony Arterburn on the fundamentals of “money” and “currency” which are just MOE! I don’t try to differentiate these “names” but he insistengly does!
The only thing I disagree with him is about the “cause” or the” force” behind the Bicoin “USD price” which is very hard to know since we don’t know the size of crypto/Bitcoin only market. That means we still don’t know exactly with evidences the “REASON” behind the “high demand” for Bitcoin as MOE at all!
For 15 years of existence from 2 cents USD up to 90K+ with up and down in between, Bitcoin cannot exist on pure “speculation!” Except its free as in freespeech and free from governmernt and/or anyone exclusive /monoply control.
Since Crypto/Bitcoin was born outsie of “traditional statist wedlock”, so to speak, with the life mission of overthrowing the “traditional fiats” with its own non- traditional function and operation. Thus one cannot, should not, and must not aplly “tradtional knowledge” to analyze and predict crypto especially the Bitcoin!
There is neither Soros nor Alan Greenpan in crypto/Bitcoin. Yet, there are some so-called (unknown) “whales,” but with very limited power . Because unlike fiats, bitcoin is finite and fixed and is beyond the statist exclusive power, therefore when you sell out and then must buy it back from the same pool of the (unknown) users who bought it from you! Both (either) ways your “action” creates more demand for Bitcoin! (I deliberately try not to use the term “bitcoin price”since it’s wrong and misleading!)
It’s just me, a fool who just loves to go out on a limb and talk nonsense! As always, the last word is your!
Like you, I hope that bitcoin proves as resistant to single party control as we hope it will be my friend. I learned something very interesting recently. Apparently the gold standard of old was not as strong as many today claim. The majority of the gold supply was controlled by the rats and so they were able to manipulate the price. I hope history doesn’t repeat itself with bitcoin. Only time will tell.