One Of The Best Seminar by Dr Tom Cowan on System Of Violent Coercion and Democidal Mass Murder
“A man’s natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime, whether committed by one man, or by millions; whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber, (or by any other name indicating his true character,) or by millions, calling themselves a government.”
~ Lysander Spooner
It’s always been a pleasure to hear an ex-medical doctor addressing the most important and fundamental “political problem” in a very simple manner with plain English and concrete evidences… whereas many “political experts” still remain dumbshit in believing in an organized bandit gang called government… while many other “intellectuals” are clueless and still busy of searching for another better “model” of organized bandit gang!
The Yanky seppos are always full of themselves with their useless toilet paper called “the constitution,” which no government ever respects and has never been able to stop government and its thugs from violating people’s liberty, dignity, property, and… safety … let alone stopping the chosen rats a.k.a the Jewish power from controlling and destroying their society from within in every aspect!