Never Trust The Chosen Rats: Better Late Than Never
Do you really think the Yanks and the Jews were stupid enough to get rid of their own “lapdog” Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Shah of Iran and “accidentally” turned the kingdom of Iran into Shia theocracy Khomeini?
Do you really think the Yanks and the Jews were stupid enough to get rid of their own lapdog Saddam Husein and “inadvertently” turned Iraq into Shia and in theocracy Iran sphere of influence?
Can one think of the common things that the Pahlavi regime and Saddam Husein shared?
Do you really think the Yank and the Jews were unable to defeat the Taliban after all those years?
Yet, the Yanks and the West have surronded and humiliated the most powerful nuclear power in the world ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union!
If one look at Japan and South Korea and then one should wonder why the Yanks and the West love to appease the Kim “Communist” Dynasty of North Korea!
Have you ever wondered why theYanks, the West, and the Jews always support and protect dictatorship and theocracy of all kinds and just hate secular independent regime such as Syria?
If you happen to be a Muslim/Arab, have you ever wondered why your world is vast, numerous, and endowned with abundance of natural resourecs… but remains poor, weak, controlled, and humiliated?
Just saying and just wondering, folks!
Anyway, none of us is perfect… the point being IF THE LESSON HAS BEEN LEARNED at all!