As I said .. I hope and wish this “seefire” will work out at least long enough for the Palestinian Resistance to recoup and ready for a long real fight back to free Palestine completely!
The Jews and the West can never be trusted. The Jews will never abandon and give up their Plan: The complete extermination of Palestinians!
Palestinians, Arab/Muslim, please must always remember the Christian Westerners don’t like black but hate Muslims, you!
True Peace comes from your own strenght, your real strenght will force your enemy to respect you and sustain Peace.
This is the trap! Everyone will see it playing out once all Jewish hostages released … and the Jews will re-arrest Palestinians at will as always… and their priority targets are your children Palestinian children, your future! These non-human monsters have trillions of pretexts with all the support and complitcity of the West and Muslim/Arab States! All will be blamed on “Hamas.”
Thus, restock all the supply .. protect your children, they are your future. Teach your children the truth and how to fight (hit and run) So WHEN the fight resume send your children away to safety to learn how to fight.
Don’t be complacent! Please re-organized, recoup, and ready! Don’t ever let your guard down Palestinians! They will never let you live in true peace! Don’t ever forget that!
Hamas MUST strike back at Jewish civilians immediately when the Jews kill any Palestinian with whatever “reason”. The great Houthis already understood this simply truth! Let the Jews understand that YOU can kill their civilians the way they kill yours! This will prolonge PEACE and make Peace “sustainable!” Jews will not understand anything but that!
That’s me. The last word is always yours!