Global Convergence: Where Does The Chosen Rat Cabal Fit In?
Folks, it’s really a heartbreaking moment whenever I listen to our rare truth tellers analyzing and telling facts …but stop short at calling out the real rats in the room despite the stench and the physical present of a mischief of chosen rats are so apparently right there! Who has not seen them running around so noisily lately?
How can one be able to devise a solution for a complex problem without seeing and recognizing the real cause of the problem?
Whitney Webb is one of the the best, if not the best investigate journalist of this time! She has seen it almost all… but still has hope on the statist system! Really mind blowing indeed!
Intelligence and wisdom are two different qualities that are separated by an ocean of deep thought, experience, sincerity, and courage.
Meanwhile in Putin-Russia, the supposed to be “NWO antidote” nation, the global convergence has sped up much faster than anywhere else!
As always, the last word is yours folks.