I don’t know what to say. An ordinary person like me… just because I love my privacy. I use Personal Encryption, NOT web-based Encryption. IF and WHEN I need an electronic devices, I always “randomly” buy electronic devices ONLY from “random” SECOND HAND supply! RANDOM is the key word here folks! I even apply “RANDOM” as I buy food!
In such large and important organization that has been constantly in the cross-hair of the Jews and the West .. a private encryption apps should have been developed… even some kind of single-purpose communication devices should have been developed. But..but…but .. However…
That’s why I still don’t understand why even Russia and China (Billions of users), supposed to be truly anti- imperialism and globalism, have not developed their own OS? Or even their own communication networks and devices?
Anyway.. Who the hell am I to say such thing? What the hell I know?
My apology! I’ve trying to shut up… but…