Folks, I have said and warned the Muslim/Arab world all about the Seppos and the Yahweh chosen rats a.k.a (the Yanks and the Jews) I mean everything. So I am not going to say what is imminently coming right on next week. Muslim/Arab people have been lied to and gaslit by their own corrupt “leaders” e.g King of Jordan and Turkiye Erdogan, the latter who has supported Palestinian cause by keep pumping oils and gas into Jewish tanks and machine.
According to my friend, a Palestinian teacher in Melbourne, she told me “the people know about the Jews’ Yinon plan, and know their leaders are corrupt.”
But apart from West Asia Unity here in this virtual world, my friend Palestinian teacher, the facts on the ground tell different story. It seems that the Muslim/Arab world has not understood their own situation at all. They all just pull punch and did not seriously prepare at all!
The Jews and the Five Eyes have well prepared everything. That’s why they don’t give a flying fuck about anyone’s opinion or condemnation at all. UN, ICJ, ICC et all.
My conclusion of this short post is: where the fuck is the Muslim/Arab World at this 25th hour?
Anyone, especially if you are a Muslim/Arab, please explain to me why the most powerful nuclear military in the world has been attacked and its “morally saintly” leader has just been mucking around and talking red line after red line while the fucking Jews intensify their genocide beyond Palestine to Lebanon?
As always, the last word is yours, folks.
Knowing and doing are two very different things. The sad truth is that most people want someone to lead them. You are a leader my friend because you possess all the qualities of leadership in your mind and soul, therefore you do not need to seek these qualities in others. Most never develop to that level. It’s much like nutrition in this regard. That which our bodies cannot produce naturally must be sought out in other places.
Most people lack leadership qualities and therefore seek out those qualities in others. Without it they are helpless. That’s how the Jewish communists in Russia were able to murder tens of millions without a mass uprising. The people were mentality malnourished for lack of a better phrase. They simply couldn’t independently think and act as was necessary.